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The Sussex Ministry Training Courses.


Our minister works two days a week as Associate Trainer for the Sussex Gospel Partnership, lecturing on its Ministry Training Courses. They are based on the Cornhill Training Course in London, and part of a network of training courses across the country. They are for everyday Christians, and so we would love every Christian at Grace Church to consider attending one at some point.


Those of all ages from different Churches across Sussex and beyond come together for Biblical teaching and training, and warm fellowship. Through lectures, group work, class discussions and teaching workshops, students on the course gain the following:


  • A firm understanding of the Bible & its teaching, through a Bible overview, Bible book studies, and key topics.

  • Confidence and ability to share the Bible with others, through learning the principles of Bible reading, teaching and evangelism.

  • A practical understanding of biblical ministry, through considering different spheres in which ministry is done.


The result is that they are equipped to be more effective in living for Christ and serving him in the church and the world.


The course has a first and second year, and is run every Tuesday during the day in Haywards Heath, or as a condensed version for one Saturday morning a month at various location throughout Sussex. 


Click here for more information and for booking. Click below to watch a 3min video about the courses.



Serving with us as a Trainee Minister.


IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING TRAINING FOR FULL TIME CHURCH LEADERSHIP do get in touch with Jon through the contact form. Every four years we employ a trainee minister and would be happy to chat about your suitability.



Serving with us as a Voluntary Intern.


If you are not yet at that stage, we can also create a program for testing a sense of call in you whilst you serve as a voluntary intern, if you are willing and able to move to the area and get involved in Grace Church alongside a normal job. The ideal is to work part time so more can be given to service and study, but this is not essential. And it may be possible for the church to provide a top up grant if necessary - finance depending. Again, just get in touch with Jon through the contact form to discuss further.



Our training covers four key areas:


Communion : developing your relationship with the Lord as you engage in the 'spiritual disciplines' with a constant awareness of his presence. It is from this that all else should flow.


Conviction : deepening your knowledge of God, the world, and church leadership, through a study of scripture, theology, culture, and ministry, embedded through weekly discussion.


Competence : fanning the gifts needed for church leadership into flame through practical experience and feedback, so that you might use them more ably and be clearer about how you might best serve God's purposes.


Character : growing you more fully into the likeness of Christ in mind, heart and will as you are mentored in these areas, so that you serve and lead his way.


Grace Church, 120 Middle Village, Bolnore, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH164GJ


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